Day 5

1 Dataframe SMASH: Joining tables

left_join( )

left_join(left_table, right_table, by = "shared_column_name")

anti_join( )

anti_join(left_table, right_table, by = "shared_column_name")

Joining monsters

# Create monsters df
monsters <- data.frame(id = 1:5,
                       color = c("pink", "green",  "pink", "green", "green"),
                       age = c(8,2,7,3,1),
                       hat = c(T,T,F,T,F) )

# Create monster nicknames df
nicknames <- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3,5,7),
                        name = c("Kid", "Cheeky", "Spritz", "Littles", "Lucky"))

#  LEFT_JOIN ----
named_monsters <- left_join(monsters, nicknames, by = "id")


#  ANTI_JOIN ----
no_name_monsters <- anti_join(monsters, nicknames, by = "id")

# filter() alternative: 
## monster id "NOT IN" nicknames id column
no_name_monsters <- filter(monsters, !id %in% nicknames$id)

2 lubridate: Date and time travel

Dates with lubridate

It’s about time! Lubridate makes working with dates much easier.

We can find how much time has elapsed, add or subtract days, and find season and day of the week averages. The package is included in the tidyverse bundle of packages, so it’s already installed!

View the date cheatsheet. This is a great reference when you need to manipulate dates or timezones in your data.

Step 1: Become a date

Convert “text” to DATE

Does your date column look like something on the left? Here’s the lubridate function to convert the text column to a date.

Format Function to use
Month-Day-Year ~ “05-18-2023” or “05/18/2023 mdy(date)
Day-Month-Year (Euro dates) ~ “18-05-2023” or “18/05/2023 dmy()
Year-Month-Day (Science dates) ~ “2023-05-18” or “2023/05/18 ymd()
Year-Month-Day Hour:Minutes:Seconds ~ “2023-05-18 8:35:22 AM ymd_hms()

Real world dates

Month-Day-Year dates

Format Function to use
05/18/2023 mdy(date)
May 18, 2023 mdy(date)
05/18/2023 8:00 CDT mdy_hm(date, tz =“US/Central”)
05/18/2023 11:05:32 GMT mdy_hms(date, tz =“GMT”)

European dates

Format Function to use
18-05-2023 dmy(date)
18/05/2023 dmy(date)
18.05.2023 dmy(date)

No nonsense dates

Format Function to use
20230518 ymd(date, tz =“US/Central”)
202305180630 ymd_hm(date, tz =“US/Central”)

Step 2: Sort your components

Date components (year, month, day)

Function to use Date component
year(date) Year
month() Month: 1, 2, 3; Use label=TRUE for Jan, Feb, Mar
week() Week of the year
day() Day of the month
wday() Day of the week: 1, 2, 3; Use label=TRUE for Sun, Mon, Tue
- Time -
hour() Hour of the day (24hr)
minute() Minutes
second() Seconds
tz() Time zone

Step 3: Show your style

[Stamp] your dates

Create your stamp style with stamp_date( )


report_style <- stamp_date("Reported on December 15th, 2023")

Stamp your data

new_date <- ymd("2024-05-15")

## [1] "Reported on May 15th, 2024"


Cartoon of a bunch of monsters watching data points of varing color and shape fly across a screen like fireworks. Several monsters are lighting the data off like fireworks.

It seemed like a good idea to bring those helpful monsters along, and they’re so so cute. People hate to say it, but they are starting to become a real nuisance.

To get a grasp on the population explosion of monsters our research vessel is launching a full-scale monster survey. And they need our help.

Survey objective

  • Organize the monster survey schedule.
  • Starting May 2024, they would like to schedule a monster count once a week until October.
  • They have enough volunteers to run the survey on two islands
    • Dream and Biscoe

So the survey goes from May until October. Let’s use the seq() (sequence) to generate the full list of dates during this time span.

Run the code below to create a list of dates for the survey.


start_date <- ymd("2024-05-01")

end_date   <- ymd("2024-10-31")

# Sequence from start to end, counting by 1 day interval
survey_dates <- seq(from = start_date, 
                    to = end_date, 
                    by = "day")

How many days will the survey run?

Show answer

184 days

Let’s put the dates in a dataframe

You can create a dataframe with the functions data.frame() or tibble().

Here’s a reminder

survey <- data.frame(count_date = survey_dates)

# or

survey <- tibble(count_date = survey_dates)

## # A tibble: 6 × 1
##   count_date
##   <date>    
## 1 2024-05-01
## 2 2024-05-02
## 3 2024-05-03
## 4 2024-05-04
## 5 2024-05-05
## 6 2024-05-06

1. Scheduling weekdays

Scientists on our boat are busy people. They only have one day per week when they can volunteer.

Here is the weekday when volunteers are available for each island:

  • Dream: Saturdays
  • Biscoe: Tuesdays

When is the first Saturday in May of 2024?

For that, we can use the wday() (weekday) function.

Try changing some of the TRUE/FALSE values to see what the arguments are doing.

new_date <- ymd('2024-05-01')

# wday tells you the day of week (Sun, Mon, etc..) for a specific date
wday(new_date, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE)
## [1] Wednesday
## 7 Levels: Sunday < Monday < Tuesday < Wednesday < Thursday < ... < Saturday

So the 1st of May will be a Wednesday. That means….May the 4th will be on Saturday. Perfect! That’s my favorite day.

Mutate to the rescue

We really don’t want to check every date one by one do we?

Let’s add a new week_day column to our survey table that checks ALL the dates ALL at once. To add a new column we call on mutate().

Complete the code below to add a week_day column to our survey table.

survey <- mutate(survey, 
                 week_day = ________ )
Show code
survey <- mutate(survey, 
                 week_day = wday(count_date, label = TRUE, abbr = FALSE))

filter() week days

With filter we can pick out the days of the week that we want.

Split the schedule in two by filtering the survey to only the week day needed at each island:

  • Saturday for Dream
  • Tuesday for Biscoe

dream_dates <- filter(survey,  ______ ==  ________ )

biscoe_dates <- filter(survey, ______ ==  ________ )
Show code
dream_dates <- filter(survey, week_day ==  "Saturday")

biscoe_dates <- filter(survey, week_day ==  "Tuesday")

How many survey dates will occur at each island?

Hint: It’s less than 50.

Show answer

26 survey days

2. Custom date formats

Oh no! Each survey island has been assigned a very-very particular Assistant to the Regional Manager. And they are demanding a very specific date format be used for their work schedules.

Before you send off the survey dates, you’ll need to adjust the dates to match the requested formats below.

Preferred date formats

  • Dream: 08-18-2024
  • Biscoe: Aug 18, 2024

For the first case we will do things the more manual way and use format with specific date expressions to layout each piece of the date

Use format(count_date, ...) and the date expressions below to format the schedule for each region accordingly.

For example: format(count_date, "%b, %Y") prints the date as May, 2024.

  • %b stands for 3-letter month abbreviation
  • %Y% stands for the full 4 digit year

Date parts

Expression Description Example
%Y Year (4 digit) 2023
%y Year (2 digit) 21
%B Month (full name) December
%b Month (abbreviated) Dec
%m Month (decimal number) 12
%d Day of the month (decimal number) 30

Time parts

Expression Description Example
%H Hour 8
%M Minute 13
%S Second 35

Use mutate() to update the week_day column for the Dream island schedule.

Here’s a start

# Set date format to match 08-18-2024
dream_dates <- mutate(dream_dates, pretty_date = format(count_date, _______  ))
Show code
# Set date format to 08-18-2024
dream_dates <- mutate(dream_dates, pretty_date = format(count_date, "%m-%d-%Y"))

How’d we do?

# Dream island schedule
head(dream_dates, 3)
count_date week_day pretty_date
2024-05-04 Saturday 05-04-2024
2024-05-11 Saturday 05-11-2024
2024-05-18 Saturday 05-18-2024

[Stamp] your dates

Now for stamp_date(). We’ll first create a stamp of our desired date format for Biscoe island, and then we will apply it to all the dates in our Biscoe schedule.

# Create date stamp with format of Aug 18, 2024
biscoe_stamp <- stamp_date("Aug 18, 2024")

# Test the stamp
test_date <- ymd("1985-10-26")

## [1] "Oct 26, 1985"

Good to go! Use mutate() and the new stamp to update the week_day column for the Biscoe island schedules.

Here’s a start

# Set date format to match Aug 18, 2024
biscoe_dates <- mutate(biscoe_dates, pretty_date = ___________ )
Show code
# Set date format to match Aug 18, 2024
biscoe_dates <- mutate(biscoe_dates, pretty_date = biscoe_stamp(count_date))

How’d we do?

# Biscoe island schedule
head(biscoe_dates, 3)
count_date week_day pretty_date
2024-05-07 Tuesday May 07, 2024
2024-05-14 Tuesday May 14, 2024
2024-05-21 Tuesday May 21, 2024


Your fine-tuned schedules worked perfectly. Now let’s jump ahead and take a look at the survey results.

3. Results

Load the monster survey results.

monsters <- read_csv("") 

Explore a bit.

Are there any missing values?

A missing island

It looks like we have a slight missing data problem.

There’s a data point in the results that wasn’t labeled with the island location. We do know the date however.

On 2024-06-25 there were a whopping 7 monsters counted - but we just don’t know where.

Can you determine the island based on the date of the monster count?

mystery_island_date <- "2024-06-25"

Hint: What weekday is this?

Try the wday(date) function.

Good sleuthing baking bot.

Right now we’re in a bit of a hurry, so let’s remove the row using filter.

Use filter() to keep only the rows in the survey data where island is NOT NA.

monsters <- filter(monsters, !  

4. The best time for monsters

What is the best month to see monsters?

First, add a month column to the data with the function month() and the column count_date.

monsters <- mutate(monsters, month = month(count_date))

Next, use ggplot() and geom_col() to plot the monster sightings by month.

ggplot(monsters, aes(x = month, y = ______ , fill = island)) +
Show code
ggplot(monsters, aes(x = month, y = monster_count, fill = island)) +

Why might June be the lowest month?

Hint: When was that data we dropped?

5. Time series: All the data

Plot all the data with geom_point(). Put count_date on the x-axis, and the monster_count on the y-axis. Set the color to match the island column.

ggplot(monsters, aes(x = _______, y = ______ , color = _____ )) +
    geom_point(size = 5)
Show code
ggplot(monsters, aes(x = count_date, y = monster_count, color = island)) +
    geom_point(size = 5) 

Oof! That’s a busy plot. Try adding + facet_wrap("island") to the end. What happens? Then try adding + geom_line().

Show code
ggplot(monsters, aes(x = count_date, y = monster_count, color = island)) +
  geom_point(size = 5) +
  facet_wrap("island") +

Great work

The researchers were deeply thankful and rewarded you with a shiny penguin magnet. They’ll be in touch for Monster Survey 2025.